The Company’s priorities in 2024
Our priorities are the implementation of transport projects for the development of railway infrastructure, which are of crucial national importance; strengthening social partnership and human capital development, as well as increasing the level of innovation activity and digitalization of processes.
Key indicators
Rail tracks put
into operation
> 4 000
Constructed and rehabilitated 811
Constructed and rehabilitated > 7700
capital construction facilities
19 Company’s affiliates employ >5 000
Our mission
The RZDstroy’s mission
efficient implementation for the benefit of the Russian Railways Group and other customers of railway infrastructure development projects using innovative technology, digitalization of manufacturing procedure and advanced management approaches aimed to increase the performance efficiency and contribute to the Company's capitalization growth.
Our values
Innovation is a crucial part of the RZDstroy’s program policies. Advanced technologies ensure that the Company increases workforce efficiency and productivity while keeping high activities standards.
TECHNOLOGICAL LEADERSHIP The RZDstroy’s Development Strategy until 2025 lists the technological leadership as one of the Company’s top-priority growth direction. The Company’s management regards technological leadership as a timely response to current and possible future environment changes by means of continuous technological innovation. Active technological and innovation policies that cover transfer, localization and adoption of technological ideas are basic factors for achieving success on the highly competitive railway infrastructure construction market.
In all its work and managements activities, the Company successfully applies the Quality Management System which is based on the process approach and involvement of all employees in its development and implementation. Special attention is paid to effective production practices at every workplace. Continuous work is underway to improve the existing quality management system to harmonize it with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015 (GOST R ISO 9001: 2015), the requirements of legislative and regulatory documentation, internal regulations, manufacturing process, the scope of work performed, the list of manufactured products and provided services.
When implementing the corporate social responsibility policy, the Company complies with the requirements of international acts, regulatory acts of the Russian Federation, federal and regional laws, and local regulatory acts. The company pays special attention to the human resource development aimed at unceasing training and upskilling of the staff.